Welcome To Inky Cat Dreams

I’ve made so many blogs across the net over the past 10 years or more. Most of them don’t exist anymore. They were like plants that died in the window when I forgot to water them.

I’m used to blogger so it’s a bit shabby here right now. I’ll get on it when I can. I’m not a Luddite. Just hopeless at technology. I’ve always been a plug-in-and-play kind of person.

This is a test post in essence so I haven’t much to say but if you have found yourself reading this then, Hello! I’m putting out a chapbook later this year. Anything you might find on here will probably not be related to that.

Currently, you may find some of my work https://samfiftyfour.com/ in their second issue. My Poem With Nipples In It is in there and they selected my story Golden Shower for their featured short story. It’s a wonderful collection of poetry, short stories and essays and I recommend you get it.

Today I got confirmed for a vaccine. April 19th. That’s my birthday. How about that?

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